加拿大籍美國男星布蘭登費雪(Brendan Fraser)在電影《我的鯨魚老爸》(The Whale)飾演中年同志父親的精湛演出,在週日(3月12日)第95屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮贏得最佳男主角,也是他生涯首座奧斯卡獎。
布蘭登費雪曾在1999年到2008年靠《神鬼傳奇》(The Mummy)三部曲紅遍一時,但後來因為拍片受傷、婚姻破裂、母親癌逝,和遭到好萊塢外國記者協會前主席伯克(Philip Berk)性騷擾,而逐漸淡出演藝圈,直到2022年才憑《我的鯨魚老爸》復出大銀幕。
Brendan Fraser has won the Oscar for best actor, completing the kind of career comeback that Hollywood has always loved.
— The Associated Press (@AP) March 13, 2023
In “The Whale,” Fraser plays a 600-pound, reclusive, gay English teacher desperate to restore his relationship with his daughter. https://t.co/NVD5aqSa4y pic.twitter.com/9pQXzKsY6b